Sunday, December 3, 2006

Half Of My Heart


Anonymous said...

it's all because of it's "shahriat" lol nice pic...

Anonymous said...

I gave up half of my heart and you gave a half hearted shrug!

Anonymous said...

Who believe that you love something in the world more than yourself and the stranger thing is that it would be "half of your heart"!!!!it's unbleviebale ,your charachter is so so so so far from these passions..

Anonymous said...

ye rooz too jahanam hamdigaro mibinim
akhe har 2tamoon jahanami hastim
to be jorme inke ghalbamo dozdidi
va man be khatere inke be jaye khoda toro parastidam.

Anonymous said...

in aakharin comment aaaaaaakhar e ehsaase,
in anonymous e mehraboon kiiiiye?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure 'Half of your heart' is great,but your whole one will be a world.
Don't let anyone to keep these halfs apart.